A fruit is a type of plant that contains its seeds. Its definition goes beyond context. In food preparation, a fruit is a type of produce that comes from seed-bearing plants. These usually have a sweet taste when eaten ripe and raw, such as oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, juniper berries and variants.
The taste of raw and ripe fruit varies from the type of plant, such as the case of lemons and olives. Different varieties of seed-bearing produce that do not fit under these criteria are often referred to as vegetables, ears, pods, nuts, and cones.
At Harvest Fresh Providores, we offer fresh fruit delivery in Sydney. Contact us to place your order—we’ll be more than glad to set a schedule for your fresh produce delivery.
Apples Asian Greens Avocados Bananas Herbs:Basil Beans Pears:Beurre Bosc Cherries:Bing Bitter Melon Figs:Black Genoa Beans:Broad Beans Broccolini Mangoes:Brooks Brussels Sprouts Cabbages Capsicums Carrots Cauliflower Celeriac Celery Chat Potatoes Chestnuts Chokos Corn Cucumbers Cumquats Custard ApplesDragon Fruit Eggplant Eggs Fennel Figs Fresh Pistachios Apples:Fuji Fuju Fruit Garlic Ginger Apples:Golden Delicious Apples:Granny Smith Grapes Guava Herbs Melons:Honeydew Apples:Jonathon’s Pears:Josephine |
Potatoes:Kipfler Arguta:Kiwi Berry Kiwifruit Kohlrabi Leeks Lemonade Fruit Lemons Lettuce Limes Beans:Long Flat Italian Beans Mangosteens Mushrooms NashisOkra Onions Oranges Papaya & Pawpaw Parsnips Passionfruit Pawpaw Pears Peas Persimmons Mushrooms:Pine Apples:Pink Lady Plumcots Plums Pomegranates Potatoes Pumpkins Quinces Plums:Radiance Rhubarb Silverbeet Spinach Sweet Potatoes Sweetcorn Limes:Tahitian Tamarillos Tomatoes Turnips Watermelon Wild Rocket Pears:William Zucchini |
Apples Artichokes Avocados Cauliflower:Baby Bananas Beetroot Pumpkins:Betanut Potatoes:BF15 Cherries:Bing Bitter Melon Mushrooms : Black Fungus Broad Beans Broccolini Brussels Sprouts Cabbages Strawberries:Camerosa Capsicums Carrots Cauliflower Celeriac Celery Chat Potatoes Chokos Cumquats Custard Apples Dates Fresh Dragon FruitEggplant Eggs Mushrooms:Enoki Fennel Apples:Fuji Kiwifruit:Gold Apples:Golden Delicious Apples:Granny Smith Grapefruit Herbs Melons:Honeydew Jaboticaba Jerusalem Artichokes Apples:Jonathon’s Pears:Josephine Kiwifruit Kohlrabi |
Leeks Lemons Limes Beans:Long Flat Italian Beans Loquats Mandarins Dates Fresh:Medjool Tangelos:Minneola Mushrooms Nashis Tomatoes:New Mini RomaOkra Olives Onions Oranges Mushrooms:Oyster Papaya & Pawpaw Parsley Parsnips Pineapples Pomelos Potatoes Pumpkins Quinces Cabbages:Red Rhubarb Cauliflower:Romanesca Mushrooms:Shimeji Mushrooms:Shitake Silverbeet Garlic:Single Clove Spinach Swede Sweet Potatoes Sweetcorn Mushrooms:Swiss Brown Tamarillos Tangelos Turnips Wild Rocket Witlof |
Apricots Asparagus Avocados Beans: Butter Bitter Melon Cherries:Black Devil Blackberries Blueberries Capsicums Carambola (Star fruit) Casaba Melons Celery Chat Potatoes Cherries Plums:Teagan Blue Tomatoes Watercress Watermelon Wild Rocket Chillies Corn Cucumbers Currants (Red & White) DragonFruit Tomatoes:Egg/Roma Eggplant Eggs Figs Garlic |
Lychees Mangoes Herbs Grapes Melons : Honeydew Lettuce Limes Mangosteens MelonsOkra Oranges Passionfruit Pawpaw Peaches Peas Pineapples Plumcots Plums Potatoes Prickly Pears Radishes Rambutans Raspberries Apples:Royal Gala Squash Strawberries Sweetcorn Zucchini Nectarines |
Apricots Artichokes Asian Greens Asparagus Avocados Bananas Beans Beans: Broad Beetroot Bitter Melon Blueberries Broad Beans Broccolini Capsicums Carambola (Star fruit) Cauliflower Chat Potatoes Cherries Chillies Corn Cumquats Dragon Fruit Eggs Garlic Apples:Granny Smith Grapefruit Healthy Berries Herbs Melons:Honeydew Kohlrabi Leeks Lemonss |
Lettuce Beans:Long Flat Italian Beans Loquats Mangoes Melons Mulberries Mangoes:Namdoc Stone Fruit:Nectareds Oranges Papaya & Pawpaw PassionfruitPawpaw Stone Fruit:Peaches Peas Pineapples Pomelos Potatoes Raspberries Rockmelon Silverbeet Spinach Strawberries Sweetcorn Tangelos Tomatoes Tomatoes:Truss Watercress Wild Rocket Young Berries Zucchini Zucchini Flowers |
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